Monday, December 16, 2024

Ilula Fundraiser

Kristi did a marvelous job of organizing the fundraiser, so by popular demand, we have hired here for future events.We had a large seed donation from Jan Carlson, mother of Alan and Bruce. (Alan is traveling with this group in January.) Jan and Will have funded the first theaters (operating rooms) and Emergency building and funded several dispensaries. We are forever grateful to Carlsons for their caring and funding the needs of Ilula Lutheran Hospital.I have not seen the final numbers yet; I believe our expectaions were exceeded! I believe our attendance was the largest we have ever had! Some cultures have names for their extended family structures, such as clans or tribes, however, since extended falilies are the norm in TZ, I don't think there is an equivalent in Swahili. The word for family is familia in Swahili. Swahili borrows many Arabic and English words, so no surprise. Randy and Kari Hurley will be bringing their entire tribe to Tanzania just ahead of our group's arrival. I will invite them to contribute to the blog. Ken

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Last Pre-Travel Meeting

Our Travelers had their last pre-travel meeting tonight. I think all are pretty excited to go! We have the Ilula Lutheran Hospital fundraiser Friday evening, so that is a nice travel kick-off!

Palliative Care Home Visits with Happy

 I had the opportunity to join the rest of the pharmacy crew—Shana, Meade, and Kent—on a palliative care home visit excursion with Happy, th...